Child(ren) Held Hostage

I hope this Blog will prove helpful in the recognition and useful in deterrence of Parental Alienation.

I will undoubtedly be using this blog in part as a therapeutic venue. I will also use this blog as a communication portal to my children if they should choose to use it.

"Parental Alienation is about parents who place their own selfish needs above those of their defenseless children and in doing so, they deny them their right to love and be loved by both parents. Alienators do not fit the stereotype of the deficient and ill-equipment parent. Instead, these parents are generally articulate, resourceful, and competent in all other aspects of their lives – except in the realm of parenting. In fact, these individuals might easily be mistaken for ideal parents, except to the properly informed, because they profess love and concern for their children. What sets these individuals apart from other dysfunctional parents is their overwhelming commitment to meeting their own needs first. In doing so, they destroy the relationship their children have with the other parent – at whatever cost. ” Dr. Reena Sommer - Internationally Recognized Divorce and Custody Consultant
Don't forget to click on one of the videos below for powerful information!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Just so you know the truth...

I wanted you both to know one day the truth behind several things. One of those things is about being accused of being a dead beat dad and not paying for you. Specifically at the moment "health and medical" insurance comes to mind. I went to great links so that one day you would know that I did everything I thought possible to get cooperation in taking care of and being involved in taking care of your needs. The last time your mom and me went to court I was finally able to submit many letters. Those letters were to your mom in an attempt to get you insured and various other reasons of which your mom denied ever seeing any of them. As long as she would tell people that you were being denied, she could be the victim, the hurt one, the injured one!

I am sorry that your moms hatred of me was stronger than her love for you as you were and are the ones suffering the most and doing without.

             Someone recently said to me that your step dad took care of your financial needs such as medical insurance... I wonder if he ever knew that he never had to? Marriage is a funny thing. It was and is his job as her husband to believe what she told him. It was his job as her husband to act in a less than rational manner towards me. It was the classic victim and knight in shinning armor scenario! I felt sorry for your step dad at the very beginning. Then I decided that he got what he deserved after he showed himself to me in front of you Brooke. You nor I deserved it, yet it was his job to do your mothers bidding.

I saved every piece of communication between your mother, the attorney's, (both reps), doctors, and me. I kept everything. The court documents are public record as I have mentioned before.

The thing about this blog is that while the truth can still be denied, it can not be sequestered. I have kept everything (letters, presents, checks, pictures and anything else I could) in hopes that one day you would seek the truth or for no other reason than to have some kind of closure after I'm gone.

Love to you both,

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