Child(ren) Held Hostage

I hope this Blog will prove helpful in the recognition and useful in deterrence of Parental Alienation.

I will undoubtedly be using this blog in part as a therapeutic venue. I will also use this blog as a communication portal to my children if they should choose to use it.

"Parental Alienation is about parents who place their own selfish needs above those of their defenseless children and in doing so, they deny them their right to love and be loved by both parents. Alienators do not fit the stereotype of the deficient and ill-equipment parent. Instead, these parents are generally articulate, resourceful, and competent in all other aspects of their lives – except in the realm of parenting. In fact, these individuals might easily be mistaken for ideal parents, except to the properly informed, because they profess love and concern for their children. What sets these individuals apart from other dysfunctional parents is their overwhelming commitment to meeting their own needs first. In doing so, they destroy the relationship their children have with the other parent – at whatever cost. ” Dr. Reena Sommer - Internationally Recognized Divorce and Custody Consultant
Don't forget to click on one of the videos below for powerful information!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A New Day...

Today is a new day with a whole set of new challenges. Bring it on! I say, "BRING IT ON!" I wake in the mornings when the rooster crows and I look forward to all challenges that face me in this day. I know that whatever the challenge, tomorrow is a new day. Worrying about what I can do nothing about only allows me to stop living today. The very worst that can happen to me has already happened. When a father has had his children stolen, there is nothing else that compares. I  survived the loss yet I continue to be in pain. I think that the pain felt is for the helpless children that have had their parents stolen from them.

I wonder at what point in a Child of PAS's life does he or she  realize what has happened to them. I question if a Child of PAS ever truly learns to live with having been emotionally raped? We are scarred for life but I do believe that at some point in life we decide to say no more. It is the goal of the alienating parent to destroy relationships (mostly with the other parent) that the child has or can have with anyone else other than themselves (the alienating parent). PAS children are crippled in the development of relationships with others.  We have to learn all over again.

I can not and will never be crippled with my love for you. I can not be controlled nor my love for you be diminished as the result of the actions of others. This is my choice and that's my final answer. Unfortunately the manipulations of the alienating parent becomes stronger with every lie and deception. Some PAS victims never get the opportunity to be free.

I am sorry for the both of you to have been subjected to the PAS and am sorry to hear of your troubles. I am sorry that you have been cut off so to speak and that you have few (if anyone) that you can turn to. I ache when I think of the times we missed together and how much more enriched our lives could have been if only we had been able to develop a healthy relationship.
Though your relationship, Matthew, was broken with me when you were six, I pray for you, love you, and hope only good things to come your way. Though your mind was stolen at six years old and I had no say so, I will love you for the rest of my life.

When I spoke to you Brooke, I knew on some level that you have managed to overcome the deceit handed to you and that you clearly understood the sickness of PAS. I understand that your mother was upset that you and I were in contact and I find it hard to believe that you have had any peace in your life as a result.

Today is a NEW DAY! I encourage you to hit head on the challenges that you face today. Whatever the challenges may be, you can overcome them. I (we) want you to know that I (we) are  in your corner of the ring in spite of any hurt that has been caused by the deceits of PAS. If you choose to have me (us) in your life we will be here. Certainly after our financial transactions, I felt very manipulated, so from this point on I will let you know if I think any future transactions are a manipulation. I said some things the last time we talked that may have led to you thinking that I would not be there for you. I want you to know that when you need me that I am here for you. I believe that you know that the two requirements that we talked about are for your benefit and therefore a must and non negotiable.If you choose a different way, we will make it happen.

Never forget that tomorrow is not promised and that we must live today as it were our last. Accept challenges with a vengeance and don't confuse the meaning of living life.

If you get an opportunity, google DADPR. 

Love you,

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