Child(ren) Held Hostage

I hope this Blog will prove helpful in the recognition and useful in deterrence of Parental Alienation.

I will undoubtedly be using this blog in part as a therapeutic venue. I will also use this blog as a communication portal to my children if they should choose to use it.

"Parental Alienation is about parents who place their own selfish needs above those of their defenseless children and in doing so, they deny them their right to love and be loved by both parents. Alienators do not fit the stereotype of the deficient and ill-equipment parent. Instead, these parents are generally articulate, resourceful, and competent in all other aspects of their lives – except in the realm of parenting. In fact, these individuals might easily be mistaken for ideal parents, except to the properly informed, because they profess love and concern for their children. What sets these individuals apart from other dysfunctional parents is their overwhelming commitment to meeting their own needs first. In doing so, they destroy the relationship their children have with the other parent – at whatever cost. ” Dr. Reena Sommer - Internationally Recognized Divorce and Custody Consultant
Don't forget to click on one of the videos below for powerful information!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What an insane offer...NOT!

This was not the first offer that I received and it certainly was not the last, by far. Each time I refused and turned the offers down. How could I sell my children for any amount! How much will an alienating parent pay to deny their children a relationship with the other parent? Without a doubt an alienating parent says that it is an act of protection from the other parent. The alienating parent proclaims their love for their children and excuse their actions by using their children as shields in order to meet their own agenda. Of course the legal system sides with the parent making allegations, "on the side of caution" they say. What they are really saying is that it looks as if they have cash cows for many years to come and they better hop on because it keeps them working and the wheels greased. I just wonder what children really loose when they loose not only the emotional support but the financial support each parent has to give. It is a vicious cycle. So much money thrown away to the legal system. So who benefits?  I wish I knew then what I know now.

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